
keeping you up to date

Otago Family Chiropractor

Quarterly Email - August 2023

8 March 2024

Welcome to the final month of winter and what an interesting winter we have had so far, August and it is finally starting for feel like the cold is setting in. Here’s hoping we can manage a few snow ball fights before the daffodils begin to bloom.

This past Quarter has been a buzz with a lot of background things happening. We are very excited for the next 3-6 months with a lot of changes in the pipeline.

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Quarterly Email - May 2023

8 May 2023

It’s month 5 of this year already! Where has the time gone? This year has been a bit of a blur for us so far, what with all those short weeks. We do hope you are all achieving the goals you set at the beginning of the year.

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Quarterly Email - February 2023

8 February 2023

After the past 2 years and all that we’ve had to face as a family, a city, and a nation; We here at OFC have decided that we would make this year ‘The Year of Positive Change!’
Already a month back in and we have had some fantastic changes to help you and your family achieve your health goals and make Chiropractic an easy part of your lifestyle.

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