Our Difference

unique support for you

Otago Family Chiropractor

Chiropractic is a natural and hands-on approach to health care that does not rely on drugs or surgery. At Otago Family Chiropractic, our skilled Chiropractors use specific adjustments to improve your spinal mechanics, optimise your nervous system function, and help you achieve and maintain optimal health. Give us a call to make an appointment to see what we can do for you!

family chiro difference patient on table

Your Visit

what does your first visit look like?

The first visit is a fact-finding mission. Our goal is to understand your unique needs and determine if our services are the right fit for you.

During your initial appointment, you’ll have a one-on-one conversation with one of our experienced Chiropractors. The in-depth discussion allows us to gain insight into your specific concerns and how they impact your daily life. Our Chiropractors then conduct a thorough hands-on examination, supplemented by X-rays if necessary, to pinpoint exactly what and where the problems are. 

The visit typically lasts around 30 minutes. We ask you to complete your online intake form before your appointment and arrive a few minutes early. Feel free to wear your regular work clothes for this appointment.

On your follow-up visit, your Chiropractor will discuss their findings from the initial assessment, review any X-rays taken, and outline a personalised plan to guide you back to optimal health.

Call us today at 03 425 7373 to start your journey towards better health.

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